Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ryan Gosling

I don't know if Ryan Gosling will finally make it to Luxembourg City to present his film The Place Beyond the Pines, which is premiering at our one and only quasi-international festival Discovery Zone, but I couldn't care less for this little detail. Weirdly enough, I was never affected by this Ryan-mania, not even when he was so young and innocent as a romantic lead (unlike him) back on 2004 with the all-time-first-date-favourite The Notebook. Checking what I was writing back then, I saw that I didn't even mention him by name, you can understand the detachment. I did mention that Rachel McAdams will have a bright future, though (not with him, unfortunately).

Ryan is without any doubt a talented actor of our generation; cinema lovers around the globe started to take him seriously with Half Nelson (2006). Then came Lars and the Real Girl (2007), then Blue Valentine (2010) -I remember the posters of the latter featuring prominently at Rotterdam Film Festival venues, back then. The films came together with all sorts of prizes, not only for his acting skills, but also in relation to his "hotness"; whoever lives some of his life online, probably knows the "Hey, girl" meme, or should I say avalance, a funny one, too. You probably also know that they call him a feminist, thanks to some statements he made (and that can only be a good thing). He usually portrays dark or complex characters

2011 was definitely his year: Drive, Crazy, Stupid, Love and The Ides of March, along the world's greatest heartthrob, George Clooney. But we're talking Ryan here; I just read an interview and was taken aback by a statement he made long time ago. It doesn't sound all that smart, but maybe he wanted to show off, and tell the world he's a natural actor and all that. But, staying natural in front of that darn intimidating camera eye, it's a big deal itself.

In short, Ryan said, without batting an eyelash:
Acting isn't that hard, really. I mean, I think that people make a big deal about it, but you just kind of try to say your lines naturally.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ryan gosling is a very nice actor. In 2011's drive movie he played a role of stunt driver and he played that character very nicely. His wearing in this movie was awesome especially the drive movie jacket with a gold scorpion on back which he worn in this movie.